Happy New Decade!
I’d like to wish you and your family a Happy New Decade! That’s right, 2020 is almost upon us. What are your plans for the next ten...
5 Easy Ways to Reduce Stress Fast
This is the time of year that is traditionally spent with family and friends. But the pressures associated with working, shopping,...
How to Quick-Prep Your Home for Sale
Ideally, you should plan to have plenty of time to prepare your home for sale. You want to be able to get everything fixed and cleaned...
Choosing a "Seller-Friendly" Contractor
Although there are many terrific contractors out there, there are always a few bad apples. When preparing your home for sale, you need a...
2020 is approaching...
It seems like the year has flown by. I hope it has been a good one for you. As the end of 2019 approaches, you may be making plans for...
Can New Kitchen Appliances Increase the Value of Your Home?
Next to a major kitchen renovation, replacing appliances is the most expensive way to upgrade the space. So, if you’re purchasing a new...
Should You "High Ball" Your Listing Price?
One of the most important decisions you make when selling your home is setting the listing price. It can be tricky. After all, if you...
4 Home Hazards You May Not Know About
You have smoke detectors. Your doors have good locks. The bathtub has a slip free pad. By all accounts, your home is a safe and secure...
Deciding on a Discretionary Move
Sometimes we don’t get to choose whether or not to sell our home and buy another one. Circumstances, such as a job relocation, may make...
Your friendly Real Estate Agent
Imagine you're at a dinner part and someone brings up the topic of plumbing. They've had some difficulties with hot water pipes during a...