Your friendly Real Estate Agent
Imagine you're at a dinner part and someone brings up the topic of plumbing. They've had some difficulties with hot water pipes during a renovation and they're telling the story of what happened. Then, another person in the room says, "I have a friend who's a plumber. I always call him with my plumbing questions."
Wouldn't that make you think it would be nice to have a friend who's a plumber that you could call? (In fact, you might just have that kind of friend!)
Well, for valued clients like you, I try to be the kind of friend you'd like to have: Your friend the real estate agent!
I want you to fee comfortable calling me whenever you have a question or concern regarding the housing market, buying or selling a home, or anything else that's real estate related. Even if you have no plans to move in the foreseeable future, please consider me your source for real estate answers and advise.